The next set of planks to be removed from the port side

The next planks to be removed were the planks at the aft end of the port side hull. The planks above the waterline were rotten on the seam edges and had more rot than sound wood to work with to make a good repair too. There are also a number of planks that need replacing under the waterline between the shaft log and the transom. Some will be short lengths as they are in good condition ahead of the shaft log. However, to get the correct spacing between plank joints there will be a number of longer planks going in to return the strength to the hull once more. The steering turning blockwhich is bolted through the planking, originally with eight bolts, However, there are only five remaining in position. There will be eight fitted back when this block is replaced and when the hull is re-planked. The massive steering turning block which is going to removed and replaced with a new seasoned oak block and then bolted back in position when the port side hull planking is finished. A photo looking...