The three different steps used in Chance and all built differently in the way they were put together

These are the three different sets of steps for different parts of the boat. The left set of steps are the ones from the cockpit into the main cabin, the middle set of steps are the steps from the cockpit to the aft cabin and finally the right hand set are the cockpit entrance to deck steps. The first job was to remove all the fittings off the steps and place them in individual pots so the fitting can go back on when the steps are re-varnished and ready to refitted to the boat. The aft passage way steps which are blanked off at the back as this part of the steps leads into the aft end of the engine bay. A tall set of steps to go from the cockpit down into the main cabin An interesting way of locking the steps threads to the raisers by a square peg and a wedge hammered into position to lock the two parts together. The rest of the steps were just screwed or pin together. The first set of steps sanded down ready for a coat of varnish over the coming weeks.