Input from a fellow traditional boat builder which I have known and respected
Yesterday a fellow boat builder came to Chance to give the team a his view on the way on the replacement of the transom framework and the starboard beam shelf and how he would tackle the job. His view was much along the same lines as the team's view of the job. Like the team's view, prop up the starboard corner of the last frame just ahead of the transom. This frame is the last frame before the transom framework itself. He said that once this last frame was back in its correct position, the hull would be in the same position as the port side. As he said, the port side last frame which is still in good condition, take a pattern of this frame and make up a replacement frame for the starboard side and bring the hull up to fit this new frame buy more use of props until the hull is bad where it should be and re-fix any planks which are still there. and make any new planks which will be the correct size and shape to bring the correct shape back to this part of the hull. Once that is ...