The port side galley unit update on repairs to the way it is going to be rebuild.
The way the galley top was originally fixed to the vertical panels was by screwing the top down into the panels with long screws into the end grain of the tops of the panels. This may well of been okay if you never were going to remove the galley unit at any time. However, the screws which held the top down to the panels were galvanized steel screws which rusted away over time. This made the top come away from the vertical panels. So in order for this not to happen again. We are going to glue and screw blocks to the underside of the top and screw and glue these blocks to the vertical panels so that the whole of the unit is one unit and not lots of smaller pieces which can fall apart. The pieces of trim around the worktop appear to now be original as they are misshaped and not to the same standard you expect on a James A Silver build boat. So new trim pieces are going to be made and fitted when the unit is refitted in the boat as part of the galley area rebuild. In this...